
To preserve the planet as habitat for humans, we must fundamentally question our beliefs and assumptions about our relationship to nature, between us and towards ourselves, about life in general, and even about the perceived reality itself.

Today, we can formulate a new ontology that centers on consciousness to bridge the gap between physicalism and spirituality.

We want to tell a new story about what it means to be human, a story that reflects the interconnectedness and equal importance to all of everything that lives.



  • To leave behind the 14 Anthropocene evolutionary traps humanity has fallen into
  • To realize all the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in one single location
  • To harmonize given ecosystems with human habitat requirements
  • To minimize impact on and usage of natural resources


  • To build model Human Purpose Villages at suitable locations, adapted to the respective topologies, ecosystems, and human social-cultural environments
  • To create living spaces that are vertically integrated, mostly self-sustaining, climate change resilient, high-tech driven and operate on circular economy principles
  • To provide comprehensive subsistence, i.e., energy, water, food, housing, health services, community life and psycho-physical wellbeing
  • To support economic, social, and cultural development within the village(s) and the surrounding socio-economic environment


  • To establish an interdisciplinary Think & Do Tank (with actors from the fields of philosophy, anthropology, philosophy of science, economics and finance, social and political science, technology and material sciences, etc.) to research evolutionary development options covering all aspects of human existence.

Intervillage Network

  • To create a Web3-based (initially also Web2-based) inter-village hub and exchange platform
  • To create value, enable investment, DeFi projects, and ownership participation with traditional and tokenized economy
  • To facilitate intervillage communication and social interaction and to devise augmented and virtual reality experience spaces
  • To enable knowledge sharing and scientific research
  • To create a knowledge & solution repository for the village network


This graphic gives an overview of the fields of human existence which are being addressed by the Human Purpose Village Project. It also names the principles which guide its operational framework.



Your Children

Khalil Gibran

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.


_ We need a new sense of purpose today:

_ We need a new human civilization on the planet and places where it is brought to life in practice:

_ We need to answer with the utmost urgency the fundamental questions that arise in this time of humanity’s meta-crisis:
Who are we? Where do we come from? What do we expect of ourselves? What should we do? What is our goal?
We need the cooperation and interdisciplinary exchange of pioneers and boundary crossers from the natural sciences and humanities, business, technology, politics, culture, art and spirituality in order to break new ground in shaping the future:


This graphic shows at a glance the overall organization, areas of life and vertical integration of a Human Purpose Village as well as how and on which conceptual levels the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations and principles of ecology, social responsibility and good governance can be realized.



CoCreators are people who are at home in different cultural, social and economic spheres of life, both in terms of their competence, culture and mode of expression as well as their experience or generation. They all bring a different human aspect to the project. They create a common field and form a cooperative network, focusing on their individuality and diversity.

CoCreators share the basic ideas of the Human Purpose Village Project in their environment, develop them further and complement them in their particular field of interest, join forces in various work cells/projects/topics (e.g. architecture, village scouting, communication, academy, finance, business, but also art, music, energy, water, horticulture, etc.) … or they are simply “there”, have aligned emotionally/mentally with the project, the “big” idea, on a meta-level and are waiting for the impulse that inspires them to take action, to co-create in their field of life/work.

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