How are we not just a pawn in the chaos, but can we be human, now and in the future? We are looking for answers in a virtual reality space we have called MetaAcademy. And there is a first real project. Will you join us?

Here you can find out more about

  • The future of consciousness
  • A narrative of being human
  • Latest developments in the Human Purpose Village Project

“Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand on your chest, where your heart beats. Breathe in and out slowly for one minute. Try to create a feeling of lightness and fluidity in your mind and body”.

Joe Martino, the editor of the alternative US news portal “The Pulse”, introduces each of his articles with this request – to open a different door of perception for what he wants to communicate, but also to the inner world of the readers themselves.

The Pulse offers its readers a colorful mix of new, sometimes original ideas on issues of consciousness, current events, scientific findings, the offbeat and solutions to pressing social problems.

Can we understand the world at all?

Because in order to understand the world and find our way in it, we must first recognize how our own world view and our own values colour the image of the outside world. How did what we perceive come about in the first place? Do we condemn and shame people simply because they are characterized by a different context of values, a different culture, the particular semantics of their language?

To cope in these increasingly chaotic times, we need a different approach to understanding and interacting with each other.

But how can we find and adopt a new point of view that gives us stability and prevents us from losing sight of the big picture? How can we actually embody a new way of being that makes the relationship between ourselves and others, between truth and beauty, between love and mortality, between the finite and the infinite visible and tangible?

That is the task of our time. We need to build a culture that learns and teaches how to navigate the bewildering complexity of today’s world. A culture that does not become the plaything of the most popular influencers. A culture that is authentic, human and emotional, and yet does not allow itself to be hacked with the inciting instruments of mass psychology.

Do we continue to run away because we simply can’t take any more? Keep it up and bury your head in the sand? Are we becoming hopeless and nihilistic? Then the end would indeed be in sight.


The world undergoing fundamental change

The facts would require an immediate change of course. But state actors, international organizations and large corporations are trying to counteract this with the same mindset that is ultimately responsible for the multi/meta crisis that is plaguing our planet. People in particular are increasingly taking a back seat to abstract concepts and statistics. Ideologies, economism and post-factualism dominate the discourse. The intellectual, scientific, cultural, technological and social development of the last 200 years on the other hand has produced all the necessary instruments – which could now be made visible and applied in context for the first time.

In view of the global battle for interpretative sovereignty, in which falsifications, distortions and restrictions on freedom of opinion are the order of the day and fundamental humanist and ethical principles are being trampled underfoot, the development and formulation of a new ontology – a new narrative of what it means to be human – is becoming increasingly urgent … one

  • that leaves space for the individual, enlivens the social community and focuses on the human pursuit of happiness;
  • is based on a view of humanity that integrates elements of Western philosophy and psychology, Eastern spirituality and consciousness research as well as modern artistic creation;
  • is founded in a perception of reality that can be derived from the latest knowledge horizons of relativity theory, quantum mechanics, complexity theory, but also ancient indigenous wisdom about the world.


The future of consciousness

Western philosophers from Plato to Kant to Schopenhauer, psychologists from Freud to Jung, Eastern sages from Suzuki to Thich Nhat Hanh, physicists such as Werner Heisenberg and David Bohm, neuroscientists such as Lisa Feldman Barret and modern psychonauts such as Bernardo Kastrup have explored and illuminated the spaces of perception.

And ultimately came to the realization that everything is a question of consciousness and imagination, that our reality is much more multi-layered, much less “material” than we are generally told, that what we call a human being is a dynamic, highly complex, multi-dimensional and symbiotic system.

The human body alone is made up of billions of metabolic processes involving billions of non-human beings. Not to mention the processes at molecular, atomic or even quantum level.

It seems that only a new understanding of consciousness can help, that everything must revolve around solving the “hard problem of consciousness”, indeed that ultimately the future of consciousness is at stake.

Which doesn’t make things any easier with the narrative.

Human Purpose Village Academy

It was therefore only natural that the build-up of the “Think & Do Tank” envisaged in the concept of the Human Purpose Village Project was given top priority and has now actually seen the light of day as the Human Purpose Village Academy.

On the one hand, the Academy is concerned with the fundamentals, identifying and researching the material and immaterial factors from which a new narrative of humanity could be built. A cooperation with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft has already been agreed for this purpose.

On the other hand, it is also concerned with creating new instruments with which the aforementioned complexity can be comprehensibly mapped and wants to involve as many players from science, business, politics and culture as possible in this project. Central to this is the creation of an experimental framework interlinked with real processes, procedures and projects, a virtual reality space that we have christened MetaAcademy.

The MetaAcademy offers several participation models for investors who wish to use the instrument and/or support the overall project. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to send.

HPV Lohfeld (Puchheim near Munich)

Another task of the Academy is to guide and support the conception and realization of the first concrete Human Purpose Village near Munich. The Academy will also have its office there in order to record data and events at close quarters and incorporate them into the aforementioned research projects. As tthe project matrix shows many factors and elements play a role in a fulfilling sense of human existence. But we still know little about how these interact.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations may be nice declarations of intent, but they offer few starting points for concretization that go beyond statistical surveys. In an HPV, however, they can be practically implemented and understood.

In the “Lohfeld Village” (Lohfeldhof Horse Park), we are currently working with the owner Thomas Schießl to devise and develop the basis for a redesign and a project plan.

We are also in the process of installing a lead team to take the reins, with a key aspect being community building – after all, we want as many people – and future residents – as possible to participate in the development process.

And participation mechanisms are defined in which form investments can be made in the specific village. If you have any ideas, please also send an e-mail to please send an e-mail.

The same applies to those who might want to take part with their pecial expertise as a Co-creator in this future project for the creation of new living environments.

Because it’s now too late to wait and watch, and it’s also too late to bury your head in the sand.

It was not without reason that the witty Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once remarked so aptly:
“Success has three letters: T U N!”